
Here I am. Almost at the point of no return. Everything in life to this point has been interesting to say the least. Well people make it seem like my life is interesting at least: I feel like it is but still something makes me hesitant to say so. That's not entirely why I am taking this two year excursion to the other side of the world, interest is part of it though. 

I can't believe I am here, haven't stopped having anxiety since I left Hamilton; I don't actually have diagnosed anxiety but it feels like my heart is about to explode and my eyes are about to burst. I need a dart so bad....what the hell am I thinking?  Why do I want to go? Do I want to go? Or am I being forced to make this decision? How could one ever really know the difference? I seen other North Americans and assorted white people walking into this gate. I see Shane who I was in first year with when I started at Lakehead five years ago...I also see Krista. Such a beauty, why didn't I meet her before getting this job!? :p 

I should probably go be social but I just have no idea of what to say, I just want to curl up so bad right now and sleep, then wake up realizing none of this happened and it is a dream, at least then these feeling wouldn't be so unfamiliar.

I should go talk :)



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