
Well here we go, officially past the point of no return, met the other teachers, made a flight delayed a little and may have made the flight crew think I'm a super shifty foreigner cause I left my carry on hard shell suitcase at the bar in the milestones -_- good going! :p had my last Canadian in canada there! :) 

What I would have given to have that last kiss before boarding <3 miss you linds. Can't stop thinking about you. Ya so I got on my flight and I was seated next to this very beautiful young Asian woman and I was very friendly and began practicing my esl speaking skills. Trying to ask her where she was from, very slowly and making hand features to ensure she understood. Wow! Way to go, not only was I hammered but super narrow minded as well....she was a Japanese girl travelling to Tokyo for a 3 week vacation; been working marketing for 3 years after she graduated from UNBC with buisness....oops lol she wasn't made of laughing but thought I was just a weird small town boy and she smiles then pretended like she was sleeping...the worst part was that this was roughly an 11hr flight and she was sitting in the isle....I hate being a burden and waking people up and what not; I'm also very social and she was PRETENDING TO SLEEP...certainly not giving her a special thanks on the thanks page :p so rude. 

So it was a long flight; was not too bad, played some video games, watched a couple movies, saw divergent and watched spiderman, wasn't bad; needed to get my feet out of the cowboy boots though lol

Was a good flight even though I was trapped inside my seat for the duration and couldn't meet on of my new besties, Jesse :p

The food wasn't half bad either! Flying economy with japan airlines was not all that bad, narita, here I am, give me something to tell people about :)



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