Point of no return

Well I'm here. The point if no return, on an airplane, taking off into the sunset; leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again. That's a lie, I'll be back in July of 2015.

Who would have thought I followed through. Everyone except me apparently...I'm excited, I need to learn to just accept this in my life, I'm now an international teacher and of all goes well, I will be...for a long time, just wish certain others were here with me :(

I haven't stopped think about it since I left and I won't be able to stop thinking about her. I'll see you sooner than you think love.

I'm going to the otherside of this large planet but yet it still feels like I'm just around the corner.

Still have an obscene amount of time until we land in narita japan. Inflight movie, alcohol, good, paid for....economy class for Asia is like buisness class for North America; goodness we get ripped off hard!

So after only being to a couple different countries and never being outside the continent on my own let alone off of the north and South American continent...let alone outside of Ontario, into another province, I have now been to Calgary, Alberta and Vancouver bc. Now on my way to Asia....lol why is it when there is a change on my life it is a frikin dramatic change?

Not complaining, just unsure how I'll ever establish a life of my own...



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