Almost caught up

I'm trying to post all my journals, please bare with me as there is clearly a lack in time and experiences. I should be caught up soon. 

I am well, it is nearing the end of September and I have been paid. Internet sucks here so I do what I can with what I have.

Thank you for staying in touch and please, please....someone start digging to me, I'll start digging to you and hopefully the first international tunnel shuttle will allow me to come get some things I needed from well as bring all these ninja stars and samurai swords back for the family and friends lol jk you wish! Actually I saw a nice little sword setup, but if I am buying something here, I want it to be a legit something not just "a sword" from china, needs to be a sword from china!

Also thinking about getting a scooter or motorcycle :p not to go in public with just down the road a bit to visit people so I don't have to pay so much for a cab all the time :p 

And ya planned a trip to Hong Kong and Macau! :) going with a dude I flew in with who graduated from Ottawa and hails from Hamilton as well, Ancaster actually!

Anywho, hope you are well! Ciao!!!


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