Zachary Lucky at the Apollo (Thunder Bay, ON), 2012

This is a throwback article I wrote in 2012 with Lakehead University's The Argus (student publication). I wrote this in regards to a band I went to view and watch play downtown at The Apollo.


On March 11, Zachary Lucky and his special guest Carly Maicher played live at the

Apollo. The two amazing folk style acoustic musicians set the mellowed tone of a

beautiful Sunday night with songs such as Lucky’s “Town to Town” and Maicher’s “See

You Soon”. They set the stage and played at 9:30pm in which before that I had the

pleasure of talking to Maicher and Lucky.

Maicher is from Winnipeg, and has been with Lucky for about a year and change. This is

Maicher’s first tour with Lucky but is having a great time. Lucky has planned that the

tour will go through Southern Ontario as far as Hamilton and back up into the East and

then through to the West.

Lucky is from Saskatchewan and started touring four years ago, this is about his tenth

visit to Thunder Bay and has played in many different venues. Lucky plays both the

Banjo and Acoustic Guitar very well and can give a great stage presence as he involves

the audience in quick conversations between songs. By the time Lucky was 20, he had

released 2 EPs, “Maps and Towns” and “Common Dialogue”, as well as a double EP

cassette. In 2010, he released his first full length album, called “Come and Gone”. He has

a song writing deal with Toronto music licensing company, With Etiquette.

Zachary Lucky was kind enough to answer some questions for me to give his audience an

idea of who he is and the music he is playing

How long have you been playing?

I've been playing music for close to 13 years now. Along the way I've played in many

different bands and many different genres of music. It took me a while to find my place.

I've been performing solo under my own name for close to four years now.

Who is in your band?

I started foilk music as a solo effort - most shows were just me and a guitar, but along the

way I've slowly brought in other people. Most recently Carly Maicher who sings along

with me and a little help from Lucas Goetz who you might know from the band The Deep

Dark Woods, he plays pedal steel with me once in a while.

What are your main themes?

I don't have any "main themes". Its more so a pouring of every day life and what I

experience. I can only think of the theme of coming and going - home and the road.

Lucky and Maicher thank everyone who has helped them along their way and supported

their music. “The tour has its ups and downs but it’s a nice experience, definitely having

a good time on the tour,” says Maicher.

“Shelia from The Apollo has been amazing to us and provides me with what I consider

my home away from home,” says Lucky

If you are upset that you missed this amazing show don’t worry! The musicians will

return on April 24 th at a House Show. The address that can be obtained through the twitter

or facebook page. Just look up Zachary Lucky.



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