Heyuan Local Museum of Natural History (2022)

 While we were in Heyuan, the local/regional museum was based on the land. The idea being its connection to KeJia People and Natural History. This being one of the main reasons we went to Heyuan. This Museum has the World's Largest Fossilized Dinosaur Egg Collection recorded. Heyuan's claim to fame in terms of dinosaur fossils lies with the bones of the Oviraptor who they depict as not so much an egg theif as much as an adoptive parent of the eggs it stole. Maybe some translation wasn't really on point, but it was a great exihibition all the same.

One of the interesting pieces was the large petrified alligator snapping turtle, this being something that a highschool colleague of mine back in Port Colborne would be interested in. I recently saw one of his Instagram videos on Colossal beings of the past, Sheldon, if you are reading, head over to China!

Anyways, another great exihbition worth checking out in Heyuan, great introductions to the KeJia Cui sine as well for those foodies reading!

With our son, we easily spent about 2-3 hours walking around and taking pictures. The top floor is seemingly some sort of Communist propganda bit that displays an enormous amount of Chinese Battle Vehicles in model size, ships, various land transports and some airforce).


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