"东北老虎" Siberian Tigers (2016) Haerbin, China

Where in the world can you see tigers, Siberian tigers, lion tigers (ligers) and even white tigers?! Well, for starters, china and Russia. Yes,! In china, mainly the north, there are Siberian tigers, the thing about these beautiful and endangered species of mammal or big cat, is that they reside in a conservatory park.

This is known by expats as the Siberian Tiger Park in Haerbin. The place the live is hot in summer and Thunder Bay sort of cold in the winter, by that I mean, the cold is quite dry to many other places, the feeling is such, you can get warm, and when you are warm you stay warm. Not like here in dalian where the cold is bone deep. 

The tiger park lows for amazing pictures, real life experience and the opportunity for people to bond between nations over the fascination of beauty that a certain creature has. 

The tours are started in a bus through the park, you feel like you are in Jurassic park and like if the bus dies...well so will you. The people you are travelling with are average folk, usually other Chinese tourists, if during winter you will likely meet other expats or western travellers who are also checking out the ice and snow festivals. It's a busy time of the year and usually people try to get in around the feeding time for the tigers, so it will be packed at the obvious times, breakfast. lunch and dinner. Aiming to be one of the last tours is great for the fact that you will not be over populated on your bus but bad for the fact that of you don't make it near the end fast enough, you will miss certain breeds of big cats. 

You will see some ridiculius people who taunt the creatures and try to shove past you for a great picture, please try to ignore them and not throw them to the tigers.

The trip to and from the city centre to the tiger park is a decent drive, try to Get a deal with a taxi or private driver to drive you there and maybe to another place or so, such as the ice festival if you go at the right time of the year. It is really something that deserves appreciation as well. 

These elegant beasts though, I am still pondering of what I saw and whether or not I can accept that fact that I found it so fascinating to see them up so close.


P.S. Going around meal times allows you to see them at feeding time...could be interesting.


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