Liaoning's Golden Hans Restuarant Franchise and Thereon (2015)-Updated 2023

Currently the one restuarant that comes to mind with regards to in-house or brand specific brewing is "HaiDiLao", as far as I understand, their beer is brewed in HuBei and their label is slapped on the bottle. Similar to buying a pair for luxury brand sunglasses, they are all made by the same factory, but the specific products are claimed by specific purchasers along with those copyrights. Now China being a developing nation in the way of copyright laws, its plausible that HaiDiLao beer isn't actually HaiDiLao's beer, but a local brewer's from HuBei. With that being said, its still not bad beer, nothing to write home about, but good-and priced appropriately given the establishment. 

One thing living in China that I always appreciated and found interesting was the personal touches that restuarants and other service establishments put on their storefronts/in their establishment. For me, yes, that used to come to specifically beer (good beer would be nice), not too impressed with Guangzhou's "Brava" bar.

Microbrews are certianly gaining track, but are now turning into posh establishments trying to compete with pop-up whiskey bars that serve fake or overrated alcohol at ridiculous prices by people who can't mix a drink to save their life-granted I'm no better at mixing drinks, but I ain't charging people any money let alone exubrient amounts of money for a single.

Downtown Guangzhou is slowly losing its grip on the drinking culture of many as more feasible and reasonably priced pop-up stops for brews and drinks appear. 

Lately personally, I have been taking to a habit I picked up in Hong Kong's bar area, LKF (Lan Kwai Fong), shop where you get the beers cheapest-like 7/11 or C-Store and just enjoy the seating provided outside. I would not doubt it if these convenient stores with appropriate seating soon replace casual drinking that takes place in upscale-pricey establishments.

I believe "Golden Hans" has since closed this location if not all locations.
What an amazing thing it is when you can get a good meal and a freshly made pint of beer in the same place. In china there is a franchise restaurant with their own in house (yes, clean) micro brewery!

The Golden Hans was a place I randomly experienced with a tour group of other teachers in Haerbin. I thought to myself, how pleasant and amazing the atmosphere and food was. To be honest beer is beer, it was pretty great,three different flavours, stout, heat wheat and light wheat. It tastes good and gets you a bit tipsy, can't complain when your other choices or recent purchases were Chinese beers :p

Apparently there is one here in kaifaqu, I have yet to visit but it is located in the I-Mall in the Anshan area on Jinma Lu. 

The food was great, what didn't they have on the menu? Tofu maybe, too be honest I was mesmerized by the freshly grilled swedes of chicken (Ji), goat (Yonge), cow (niu) and pork available. Their vegetable selection and Liang cai dishes were immense. Really you can't complain with roughly 70 Kuai, all you can drink and eat.

This facility was so large and easy to find your way around in. In was located on the third or so floor of a mall that we passed on our way to the Tiger Park. It was a bit of an early lunch so it was not over crowded, the personal service was quite nice and everyone was very kind when serving you.

You are not harmed for table waste but obviously it is frowned upon as it is anywhere you go.

So, if you ever find yourself with a chance to go. I recommend it :)



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