Email to Dad. Jan/24/2015

How's everything going there? You working? It's Saturday, I just went out to Korean bbq with lily, got home after picking up some supplies for my house. 

You will laugh, i kind of tried eating ... Bbq'd cow dick -_- not gonna lie, didn't taste bad, every thing was covered in chilli pepper though :p so really even the chicken heart and stomachs were the same taste, just different texture. Miss you guys, hope you are well.

The astrill Vpn is not really doing what it should be for Apple products so basically it's only good for everything except Apple because Apple is a greedy and rude company :(

Give my best to everyone, I'll be sending something in the mail tell ma she has my address, I'm sending you a copy now so she can constantly as you for it too :p 

Miss you a ton, always thinking about what I would be doing if I was at home right now, and I think it would not be as pleasant because I wouldn't be happy doing anything else other than teaching.

Don't take that the wrong way I miss home and everyone a ton, I wish I could be teaching at home a lot. I am also aware though that I would be feeling apathetic and annoyed from the lack there of life progress. 

I will never forget dad, and mom...the help you both gave me in finding a career as rewarding as this one. You know a lot of people ask me what made me want to teach, and I often tell them about how mr. Bartley was a great influence and how I knew only that I wanted to do some sort of counselling for others. But if it were not for you two over my shoulder and dad pointing out in the living room as ma went to the bathroom saying "Carm I think this here means philosophy counts as a second teachable," I wouldn't be as happy with my life as I am today. The things I am doing and seeing can't amount to any words in Chinese, English or any other language in the world, and it was all because two very important people pushed me in that direction. In university I cursed and cursed the fact that I let myself get pushed into such a painful ongoing five years, but it is very noticeable now how with pain comes gain. 

I love you.


P.s. Ma, the astrill works on my laptop still and they are working on an app update for the iOS devices so please don't have a hernia on the phone with customer care ;) and I'll send you some videos and pictures maybe even video you from various places around China if you get the wechat :)


Sent from my iPhone


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