"Down-Time" While Travelling.

 I recently came across some of the screenshots of success I felt (at that time) in the way of some iPad iOS Application/games, specifically, Mortal Kombat and CODm.

Not much in the way of achievemtns in the grand scheme of life, however, coming across them reminded me of how nice it was to take "down-time".

Taking "down-time" is essential, in work, life, socially, physically-really without "down-time" you should be expecting to be burnt out. Yes, as a teacher this is something I often reflect on, but I felt it might be a necessary travel article, especially for young folk who want to see the world on a budget. Its true, not everyone has 2 weeks to spend in one place if they are on a bit of a time frame/budget. 

It is important though to recognize that down-time might very well be that time just before you get out of bed or right after a shower (while waiting for yourself to stop sweating after the shower-unless of course you cranked out the budget to just slap on the AC in whatever room you are stayting in). That down-time looks like a lot of things, but the thing it should look like the most is something that is near inconsequential and empowering (maybe video games are not empowering, but I mean, building up your confidence-no Tinder or whatever "swipe Apps" don't count XD ).

Recently I have downloaded "Sonic The Hedgehog 2" on my iOS device, short-winded game, highscorer sort of achievement at best, meh. great for a bus trip or metro ride if I don't have a pair of headphones.


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