Red Devils MC (international?) China for sure.

Well, hate to say it-but I'm a cynic and quite jealous of people who can make decisions based on the "just because I don't care factor", not jealous enough to follow in their footsteps so it sort of just tells me that I don't really like a certain breed of human.

I lived in China (Jinshitan) for 6 years. I had fun, did alright-got sick of my job and learned that no matter where you go in the world, there are snakes in the grass.

This is purely an interest piece-its not an in depth expose because I didn't need to get as close as one might imagine in order to see what comes with a 1% patch followed by the "Red Devils" emblem (or vice versa). I didn't want to get as close as I may have needed to in order to get the dirty details on things, but I see enough from the roadside.

These jokes are dealing drugs in China-serious offence, no? One approached me about starting a grow-op in my basement. "I have a family, I don't want cops here" I replied hastily. Laughter ensues. conversation over-I told my buddy who invited him over, "never bring'em back here".

I was a brewer-I was brewing beer, I had enough problems to deal with...a start up make shift hobby with two close friends (none of us thoroughly experienced in brewing)-to top it off, I was a new father at the time too. I must admit, 99 problems and the cops ain't one. If you got cop problems in China-I feel bad for you son...actually I don't cause likely, you deserved it.

They got two older guys who frequent Dalian's KaiFaQu fairly often (who knows with the virus hitting Dalian hard, but these guys who rep Swastikas and the iron cross-are fairly approachable. Interesting. But they are no threat, and loving of charity work worldwide. Well, so demonstrates their "President" who spoke out in an article about the Red Devil's presence in Shanghai.

I'll tackle this topic more as I find time to continue my research on the organization.


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