
Showing posts from April, 2020

120 hr. TEFL Course Module 7-Pedagogy (Pt.2 Exposition)

Module 7: Pedagogy 7.1 Exposition Pedagogy is such a complex topic that it could be its own course, so as we discuss the theories that inform a teacher’s planning, implementation, and assessment, keep in mind that we are giving an overview rather than a comprehensive study. Here are some of the most well-known theories of education.  Considering that education in some form or another has existed since the dawn of man, it is surprising to know there are so many different theories regarding the best way to provide education for students. While many of these can work together to inspire teachers in their planning and instruction, some of them directly contradict each other and have led to debates within the profession. Here, we will cover a few of those theories and discuss how they can inform your teaching. 7.1.1 Bloom’s taxonomy  Benjamin Bloom studied learning and concluded that learning activities could be categorized into six segments based on the le...

Featured in an Online Expat Community Article-"Life After Lockdown"

Was approached by twice now for contributions to community interest pieces, really wouldn't mind a writing job with them... But here is the latest one,

Red Devils MC (international?) China for sure.

Well, hate to say it-but I'm a cynic and quite jealous of people who can make decisions based on the "just because I don't care factor", not jealous enough to follow in their footsteps so it sort of just tells me that I don't really like a certain breed of human. I lived in China (Jinshitan) for 6 years. I had fun, did alright-got sick of my job and learned that no matter where you go in the world, there are snakes in the grass. This is purely an interest piece-its not an in depth expose because I didn't need to get as close as one might imagine in order to see what comes with a 1% patch followed by the "Red Devils" emblem (or vice versa). I didn't want to get as close as I may have needed to in order to get the dirty details on things, but I see enough from the roadside. These jokes are dealing drugs in China-serious offence, no? One approached me about starting a grow-op in my basement. "I have a family, I don't want cops here...