Inquiry on Laser Tag in Shanghai


I haven't returned to Shanghai, (been a couple times) but I believe the last time was when I was looking for the laser tag. I have since found laser tag AND airsoft in various other places. As I am sure Shanghai offers laser tag, there have been some really cool modified gun play and laser tag equipment used in Haizhu District (Guangzhou) where in which there are actual player scan cards that give player's guns particular attributes and home base modems that are apart of "seek and destroy"

Foshan (GuangDong Province) is home to a very professional and yet amateur club of "War Games", in which there are varying levels of gameplay and equipment.

With the alleged ban on airsoft guns, these venues have been thinking about how to adapt their services. People with the equipment are still very much interested in playing but the times are rough here in 2021 with regards to people to play with/places to play. 

The future of "War Games" in China is going to be apart of the growing VR/AR vendors that are slowly springing up again "post COVID" (they were all shutdown during COVID-OBVIOUSLY). With how available the equipment is at varying prices though, "Ready Player One" looks like it will become a reality more swiftly than we would expect.

This has been an update, hope all is well-Stay safe!

Last time I went to Shanghai looking for Laser Tag I was quite unsuccessful.

I am sure over the past two years there were more-however this one seemed pretty sweet, it was under renovation and unfortunately my wife and I couldn't really go out and participate. Now with my son I was thinking before leaving China it would be pretty sweet to eventually make the trip out that way!


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