London, ON...Overseas Student Bucket-list.

London, ON (Canada) is a college/university community with a population of 383, 822 (2016)-thanks wikipedia!

London, (from an outsider's perspective) is a haven for students who want to have fun and not much else-sort of a growth off Toronto. At a closer glance, there is much more than meets the first impression hovering around the city for a day. This is where the task comes in.

This is a list especially made for one individual very inquisitive and brave. However, if you feel that you or a friend could benefit from the completion of this bucket list, I encourage you to use it and share.

Participation in this is obviously voluntary and without waste! There are benefits for anyone participating in this-I promise, but when participating please keep a few things in mind, 1) personal safety; 2) budget allowances; 3)

Part 1-Who Am I?

1. Get a picture of every nook and cranny of your university. Post it on social media, advertise it.

Post a link to your first mission in the comments below

Note: this may mean that you need to sign up to social media...

2.  Write a short entry (comment) comparing to how you felt about being in London when you first arrived, then finish it by describing how you feel near the end of the year.

3. Find a restaurant that has the closest thing to "the taste of home" for you, if you don't go out and eat, post it on social media (with the address and name of restaurant), share the link in the comment section below.

4. Try your best to cook an appetizing meal with what ever you have at home, if you need to buy ingredients or borrow a friend's kitchen, that is fine. If you live in a dorm or small apartment and don't have a kitchen you can use, time to be creative (the best thing you can make with what you have), post it to social media with the recipe. Share a link in the comment section below.

Part 2-What is London?

5.  Go to the city hall, get a picture in front of city hall (London), or at another landmark that clearly represents this great city you live in. (post to social media with how you got there and what you did with the rest of your day), share link to comment section below

6. Go to "El Furniture Warehouse) (645 Richmond St.), take a picture of your food, post it to social media, talk about the menu and food, what did you get, did you go with anyone, would you recommend it? Who was your server (make sure you get their name, you want to tell them why you want their name). Post your experience to "" or "" , share a link to it in teh comment section below. (leave a tip of 15% + a couple bucks if they were nice)

7. Milo's Beer Emporium, yes this is a bar and NO you don't NEED to try a beer per say, but you still need to get there, get a picture of yourself in front of the restaurant at the very least. You may need to save up a bit of coin for this challenge (depending on how talkative you are). If they have a bar stool seat available, get a bar stool seat and ask the bar tender "What do you recommend as a first try for beer?" (if you are not drinking, order some food, and tell the bartender you are travelling and have some questions about this place to share with friends and family back home who do drink). If you are drinking, get an order of something, take a picture of it, post it to social media and describe your experience. Get the name of your server (you may want to tell them why you want their name). Leave a tip of 15% + a couple bucks if they were nice. Share a link to the social media post in the comment section below.

8. Call an Uber. Get an Uber (at least once), even if you need to ask someone to locally ordered one for you from a restaurant or something (that's part of why we pay tips, for nice service-but don't forget to pay for your Uber). Talk to your driver a bit, ask them about themselves a bit, maybe their name, leave them a nice review. Screen shot the review and post it to social media. Send a link to the post in the comment section below

9. Make a plan to get to the "Eastside Bar and Grill". Its a live Music Pub.

10. Interview a local musician. If you are clever enough to do it, you can couple this with mission #10. Otherwise, you have a bit of a project.Find a good night to go to the pub (as one option) and make yourself available to meet with a musician who performs (normally waiting for a break or the nd a of set, offer to buy them a drink on the account that their performance was great. Explain to them you would like to complete an interview with them on video for friends and family back home to help promote their music a bit, if they ask why, say you are looking to get into indie column writing and supporting the local music scenes of different places you travel to. Normally, muscians are happy with a beer. If they have an album available for purchase, get it and have them autograph it or a poster for you. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED, some of the scariest looking or sounding people on stage are the nicest people around. Seriously. You would be surprised. If they offer to go out back with you or invite you to join them, feel happy that you are invited and join them. If you find out the name of the band before the show, try to figure out their names so they feel you are a bit respectful. If they turn you down or give you attitude, thank them for your time, go back to the bar tender and interview them about the bar, as them about some of the bands that are generally coming through. If it is too busy, have a beer after the show, find "street food" close to the pub, or ask if you can play a game of pool (if they have a billiards table) with whoever is there. If its a group of people, just explain that you "came to see the show alone, was hoping to meet the band and interview them, but didn't work out, so now, meh, have a drink and then go home."

NOTE: If the offer you drugs, REFUSE! They won't care if you take or not, maybe respect you more if you don't take them.

If they decline your offer to play with them, so be it, finish your drink and head home. If its still early, message a friend and see what they are up to, if they are interested in a late meal or getting a drink somewhere else. If its already 1:30-2am, just go home.

Leave a comment describing the night below. DO NOT POST YOUR EXPERIENCE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!


11. Mandarin Restaurant (Hamilton Rd.), take a moment to try "Canadian Chinese" Food. Rate it and review on and (share a link to your review here), if possible speak to management and ask if you can speak with the chefs in the back sometime, explain that you want to conduct a small interview about them and their culinary skills/experiences for incoming Chinese students and families from abroad. Say you are an "indie film producer looking for something to enrich the lives of friends and family. You have tried a few things and this is one of the things on your list". If they deny you, don't leave a tip. Bring your camera and possible questions incase they say you can have some time while there at that point.

12. a) Cheap movie night,! Tuesday nights. If possible (as in if there are any good movies playing), invite a friend to go to the cinemas with you. If you can't find anyone available, feel free to go on your own. Post in social media that you are going ahead of time (if you are going with someone, don't name them in your social media post). Post a link to the social media post in the comment section below

12. b) AFTER  the film that you went to on a TUESDAY night, post a review (on your way home, or after you get home). Share it to and share the link here.

Bonus: London Music Hall

This is a special task that requires a bit of extra money and time as well as scheduling. Go to or to the London Music Hall yourself and buy two tickets to concert (any seat/any show), its best if you are interested in the style of music.

Bring your cellphone with extended memory, film as much of the concert as possible, get into a mosh pit if possible and try to get the band's autograph by hanging out at the back entrance of the building, this could take a long time but you will probably be able to get them to sign a CD or poster, or your ticket (have a marker ready).

Part 3- Integrating into the Community

While you were out having fun, the world was still revolving. Even though everything seems great and perfect, its not, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.

As wonderful a place as London is, there is a lot of opportunity to help folks. You don't need to commit ALL your time to these efforts, but you should at least try all of them out once. Get that experience, make those connections, see a different part of this city that you are growing in.


A soup kitchen is where people who have difficulty affording groceries, time or resources to cook for themselves can be helped by having local community members serve food and cook food for them. With the help of those who have, the world, Canada, London can help those who need. This is a great opportunity to not only gain experience but help people in London who need it. Post nothing to social media. respect people's privacy. Share your experience in the comment section below.


A food bank is exactly what it sounds like. In London, there is a widely available and known organization that link is provided for above. Check itu out, if available, volunteer, try it out. Its easy, and great experience. This is a great opportunity to not only gain experience but help people in London who need it. Post nothing to social media. respect people's privacy. Share your experience in the comment section below.d

15. After all your experience, its time you get familiar with this semi-risky tool "kijjiji"

"Volunteer", who knows what you will find, but when you find one, post it to social media and send a link to the social media post when you have confirmed when you begin!

Part 4- Your Secret Life (WHEN YOU ARE DONE ALL PARTS)

If you made it even close to this far congratulations, did you find what you were looking for? If so, stop reading here and send me a message about how you are doing. 

If not, continue reading.

At this point, if you haven't made any new friends, or met anyone who you feel will never lose contact with you, its not the end of the world. To be honest, I don't think anyone will ever make it to the end of this list. To finish this list means you missed the point.

Life is not about just getting things done, its about living in the moment and letting yourself fall victim to its surprises (good and bad-obviously try to avoid REALLY bad situations). If by the end of this you haven't made new friends, found something that inspires you or maybe even just developed a new hobby, take a step back and message me personally-I'm always here for you.


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