For the "Sons" (SOJ Pikou 2019)

Alright SOJ! It's that time of the year!

There are some things we need to accomplish and a lot of things we need to avoid.

Seeing as how a "perfect" year patch was thrown out of the window once Spenny decided to get hit by a car (yep literally our only PATCHED in Son) who banged himself up after the "perfect year patch offer". THIS DOESN'T MEAN SAFETY GOES OUT THE WINDOW!

I threw something else together though.

In commemoration to Joshua Clyde's birthday, I began working on a patch that got the essence of both Joshua Clyde (who is now 30) and the SOJ (what we are), and we are a rag tag group of guys (as Greybush used to put it), who recognizes each of us for being the person we are. Clyde, this is the fourth year we have gone and we could easily give out more of what we already have for patches, but this is a special one. I put together the new PiKou patch IT WILL BE OUT ASAP, unfortunately I lost my art software and needed to rig this together with Chinese APP's and if you ever use Adobe you realize its hard to go back to "crap".

Feast your eyes though, New Brunswick may not be a place we have all been, but I think we were fortunate enough to have the best of it come to us, here, in China.

To really seal in the birthday feel as well, (and give him a chance to maybe return to a safe place before losing it this weekend, Clyde most of the boys don't leave the Sons without one). Cheers!

I also got something special here for someone who I knew would not want it on their vest, but something that I'm sure will crack the others up if it becomes an "unseen" patch, one FREDA boys, if you will. "Lil Nip", sorry buddy, had to.

Please remember next year is the Son's 5th year as a group. Patch to come-this might be the patch for the "charity patch" I'm about to mention, we will see. I was thinking we could try to do something special for our fifth year

Even though we may not be together all the time there are things that I felt were possibilities had we been together next year. There are plans in the works to get the "Sons" recognized as a real group of "do-gooders" this includes a blood drive (if you can participate); a charity patch (basically money raised from a designed patch will be donated to an organization in the name of the Sons.

There is a Son who is also getting married next summer. I am putting together a patch for the occasion, news to come on it next year.

I'm also working on one for the boys who wear their Son's jackets to Nussbaumer's wedding, he doesn't know, and I'll be getting them done up for taking to the wedding ASAP. If not we can work something else out.

Now to get down to the real point of today, the weekend.

1. No one mentions work, if you mention work at any point on the trip, you need to either slam a full beer OR take a shot. THIS IS A TESTED METHOD, TEST AT YOUR OWN RISK.

2. If you stop, make sure someone stops with you.

3. Don't get injured. Hangovers suck on the way home, but I got something special for ya just in case.

4. Have fun. But not too much fun, we do need to drive back here on Sunday.

5. TAKE NO PHOTOS OF JONO-well no incriminating ones at least :p (maybe that is a personal goal)

6. Climb the rocket, best picture on the rocket wins a prize.

7. Find a seaworthy vessel.

8. Start a bon-fire. Don't burn down the wall.

9. Everyone must take a turn at entertaining the crowd, however you understand "entertaining"

10. Great videos, Great pictures-share them out after the ride

I'm sure a lot of this will happen throughout the trip on its own, but sometimes, as first timers we don't really know how interesting things can become until its said out loud.

Safe travels and let's ride!


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