Singapore day 01

Landed, after a long and tiring morning if doing nothing and waiting. I don't understand why I have been so tired, but thinking about it, the preparation for the trip and preparing the end of the school semester until the holiday is over, has been a large reason for so much energy consuming activities. 

First thing is first, find the cabs, hotel, and food. There is no chewing gum and smoking or large annoyances allowed in public. Drunk singing and regular Chinese etiquette will probably get us in copious amounts of trouble here, be respectful and be careful as in many places. 

Things to possibly check out so far:

-night safari
-fountain of youth

The fountain of wealth actually has the water flowing Inwards towards the sculpture because water is seen as luck, so instead of having the water flow outwards likely classic fountains. 

Need to do currency exchange as well cause everyone needs to have cash on hand in foreign countries! Never know.



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