Kuala Lampur, Malaysia 04

Arriving in kuala Lumpar at 10pm at night (after taking a cheap can ride into Chinatown for our hostel) we were ready to have a first drink of ice cold sodas in KL. 

We stayed at a great little hostel called the fern loft in which offered toast breakfast and had a 14$ bunk a night charge in a 24 person dorm. The coffee they gave was uhhhh well, water really, but free, is free? The bathrooms were clean and if they broke, they were fixed quickly. The wifi worked fast when you could get it but the best thing to do is to just use the birdneat guesthouse wifi (no problems and easy password to crack) it is birdnest :p

The first night was spent at elements western food restaurant and we were welcomed with open arms to spend ridiculous amounts of money of cheap beer and greasy food. Guess that's a common thing among travellers.

We ventured as much through the area we were staying in as we could without getting too far and too lost. We were chased by the most vicious looking cockroach and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are a liar! Cockroaches are a creature that has no enemies just people who are afraid of it touchin then :p I experienced this in Hong Kong with Kyle as well, ugh, I really hope they are not infesting the hostel...Speaking of cockroaches, are these beggars sleeping all on the streets or people who are travelling and feel safe sleeping on the streets. I feel bad but at the same time I'm unsure. I saw a family staying together in our room at the hostel, maybe it's just too expensive for most families to  do that? 

Nativity, it may be my ending in this trip

All the best folks,



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