Singapore day 03
.Late sleep in cause I didn't pass out till about one, Instagram and fb are accessible and I uploaded a bunch of photos. Totally forget everyone back home is on the computer and since I'm awake, why not catch up :p We Went to China town just around the corner on North canal Rd. And then left on a main road at the park area. After walking down past the Chinatown point, you get to the actual Chinatown which is seemingly more south China than the rest of actual China! I won't get into how well mannered and smiley people were, OR how much better the shops were than they are in actual China!!?? Does China just make awesome things to give themselves a good wrap and send them to awesome places you wouldn't think to look because well you didn't go to another country to see the culture of another a different country necessarily., but for people who do, they must think like wow!!! This is what they have here? What must they have in their own country, I'm not going to spoi...