iCloud Unlock

Found your old iDevice but forgot your password? Someone changed it on you? No worries, been there and unfortunately unsuccessful in getting the password back in all cases, but was able to get it unlocked when taking it to the apple store with proper registration. But right now for my iPad Air (over 5 years old), I want to unlock it but its hooked up to my old roommate's iCloud ID, unfortunately we are not in contact and I don't know where to begin looking for him. What to do?

Well, today we are going to checkout out which websites actually were able to iCloud Unlock the device and which are just scams.

The ones that worked...none.

The ones that are basically just scams and can't even refund you all your money when you call them out on their BS ads, because of service charges by the credit card/currency exchange-ALL

Never try to unlock iCloud using online servers, they basically just try their very best to hack the old account holder. There was a time when false servers could open the Apple iCloud Lock using a fake "Apple Support" key essentially, however those does days are long behind us, each year takes a step further and further away from Apple Phone/Tech theft. Its great!

The only thing a lost phone is really good for, parts. That is where this blog does have a point and lesson. IF you come across an old iDevice and its locked, unless you have the receipts, its useless. However, if you happen to have an iDevice of the same model, then you have a potential solution. I had two iPads, an old one and a new one. I fried the motherboard on the new one apparently, its believed to be water damage-I don't recall ever spilling water on it though. Anyways-I was told I could essentially just trade the parts (the old one, was just, too small of a hard drive to use for anything really and iCloud locked). I knew the passcode (after digging through old email backed passcodes and what not, I found it). Nonetheless, I was talking to my buddy who is very tech savoy and he said essentially it was too bad I got water damage versus some other hardware damage, then I'd be able to salvage the motherboard/CPU and replace the one out of the old iPad to increase the memory capacity (essentially recycling old parts into a refurbished iPad). This actually made me realize the potential in people's old broken iDevices that do still work but are incredibly screwed up. Come across and iCloud locked device, you won't get to use it for free, but there are enough spare garbage phones out there for cheap that for 10-50$ your iCloud locked iDevice could be refurbished into a "brand new" device. Spend money to make money.

Just sharing some experiences.


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