Recommended Reading for Adventurers-Papua New Guinea

About 4 years ago, I had PNG whispered into my ear from an individual who probably fit right in there. I have long since sought adventures, working my way up tot he gull of traveling to a place such as PNG.

A couple years ago, my intrigue grew to the point where I needed to soothe it (at least a little), I did research, booked a ticket (before the research actually) and then cancelled my ticket due to the exorbitant amount of advisories against it. I still think a part of me proven domesticated (more than I would have liked to admit that time, but with a family on the rise, it was a necessary decision). Note, I did try to redeem myself with a suicidal expectation of the EBC trek last year (still don't feel that makes up for chickening out of PNG). But nonetheless, I am sharing a read that I found just remarkable really, as outdated as it is. I highly recommend it if you are an adventurer looking for a new goal.

Give this a read before heading out to PNG and afterwards, let me know how your trip was. After reading it-I feel I walked down a different path in my life, but this was a great daydream piece.

If interested in reading this book, feel free to check out this link!

You're welcome.


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