What Are YOU Made of? EBC Trek 2018
Some back story, part of this article was used in my Tripadvisor review of Discovery World Trekking but it is also a bit more opinionated and less to the point than the original piece. I had been talking about hiking to EBC (Everest Base Camp) for the last three years since I realized it was something I wanted to do. I climbed up a few small mountains for fun starting my life as an expat. As a kid I was having fun hiking and wandering around forests-always found them wonderfully mysterious and dark. I also really appreciated the ecosystem within it-observing small animals from a distance and then using the trees and rocks to play out childhood fantasies of fighting goblins, monsters etc. It came as a bit of a rush task to get to Nepal to say the least. The trek was planned online with Discovery World Trekking. I came across the company through a good friend of mine, Jackie "Chan" and although there were some misunderstandings along the way, it was a remarkable trip non...