Kharma Group Bali Motorcycle-Timeshare Scam (2017)

When travelling to Bali, avoid timeshare pitches and unnecessary
trips to a hotel you are not staying at because someone wants
to show you around.

Kharma Group Hotel in Bali issues motorcycle taxis with the right to
advertise for the hotel by handing out award coupons/visitation reward
A word to the wise, avoid scams. The Kharma Group is EXACTLY that! They are located in Denpassar and although their hotels may look nice and be run by an international board, they still run shady business deals. 
There website can be found here 
A tripadvisor forum about the scam can be found at this address here 
Be weary of individuals handing out similar cards to this and offering a paid taxi there.
Thinking about it realistically, if you win with the "Gold Circle" and think about claiming the "Go Pro" (which by the way won't be a real Go Pro as it is not shown or sponsored in the card; 200.000 IDR (which will probably be used to pay for the taxi through extortion); you will then be stuck therefor a number of hours ON YOUR VACATION sweating it out waiting for a presentation and a moment to leave after being harassed and physically restrained and threatened by these "representatives".


On the card is the number of a taxi guy who wanted to take us.


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