Road Trip Day 00

Leaving this afternoon? Waiting for something in the mail and we can't leave without it apparently.
My Ma originally planned on doing this trip by plan with the whole family. She wanted our family to go visit our dear relatives who live in Austin Texas, I haven't seen them in five years and they are having their furst child's 3rd birthday, not to mention we still haven't met their kids, my cousins at all yet really. 
I was down there five years ago with my parents for the wedding which was pretty fun to say the least. The last time we did the trip, we drove down to Nashville, then stayed in Austin for a day, after which we went to Fredericksburg just south of Austin for the two day wedding ceremony and reception. A grand time to say the least. 
After the wedding my parents and I made our way to San Antonio where we learned about the Alamo and its heroes. We then headed through Louisiana to New Orleans where we stayed for a day-had fun in the nightlife and quickly gathered ourselves back to Canada. 
This time around its my parents and I again along with my recently announced Fiancée Ren Li. 
My fiancée and live and work in China, we don't have a car there and basically she has never been to the states or been in a vehicle for the kind of road trip we are taking her on. Which is not fair really, having never done it though, it's hard to explain the experience without just making it sound horrible while yet truthful. So I signed us up and let her know this was one of those things that sometimes, just follow me with it because you never know what you are missing out on.
So here we are-setback one, delayed departure for whatever reason, this was expected by me as-it's my set departure-tomorrow morning before 12pm.
I think this we will be a memorable trip-ya it's going to be rough as usual-when you travel this closely with your family-that can only be expected but nothing worse than we have dealt with in the past. 
Brother and sister comes isn't make it so my parents are discussing. The car-they decides on the new BMW that also just came back from the shop for windshield and tire repair (not sure if this will turn into foreshadowing  later or now). Ma says pack a large suitcase for both Lily's and my things-Check! All packed, have a day-eh, why not relax?
Couple facts before driving-
*Ma drives only-terrible back seat driver
*the time from Dunnville to Texas is about 22hours? Give or take
*the US dollar is about 1.40 at buying right now for CAD. 
*Austin,Texas is the state capital, Houstin is the largest city in Texas
*The BMW is a convertible sports car
*the human body usually digests food fully in about 8hours
*coffee is a diuretic and the mist have for my whole family every morning
*i'm quitting smoking-and it's been about a week since my last cigar.


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