Sea Turtles in China...

UPDATE: 2021/12/09

Its been awhile since I have seen a wild sea turtle, even longer while since the one in Dandong that kinda sparked this post.

To be fair-I haven't seen the captured and prepped for sale sea turtle market, nor have I heard about it-recently I was in Huizhou and we discussed the Huidong Sea Turtle Base. It was said that a lot of people would turn sea turtles into soup..that musta be a bloody feast, cause sea turtles ain't small and I can't imagine a lot of folk interested in a tiny one. Then again-who knows.

My wife, son and I were considering going there to see the research base and learn a bit about sea turtles-also hoping to see some up close...maybe on the beachor whatever.

Although the base is interesting and actually has a sea turtle there at the base that they keep, my son is only 3 years old. Its more of a trip for someone who is actually planning on spending some time there learning about the turtles/is specifically in GD province for that particular niche aspect of ecotourism.

If you are in GD province, Huizhou is alright for the whole "I'm on a beach in China and the weather is great", but seriously-lots of garbage floating. Its a reclaimed beach by Yi Gui Yuan Real Estate company, so its murky beach, but a beach all the same.

The Turtle Base would have been an easy enough trip without a child, it was about 1-2 hour drive south (over a bridge to the southern tip of the region). There isn't much out there from what I read.

Check out details here:
Officially felt the blow of broken heart today. First time in a long time, haven't really felt a pain as much as I did today at the Dandong Fish/Seafood Market.

Fish for food is one thing; small domesticated fish is another, but the entrapment and imprisonment of a creature so beautiful and peaceful as a sea turtle...that shit is just...ugh, its frikin heart breaking.
It reminds me of Jurassic Park, I was watching it with Li awhile back and learned how to explain a feeling I never fully understood before, but the awe of something that seems to amazing at first glance but then meeting the grotesqueness of the "thing" quite shortly after.
Walking through the market, I was excited to see the fresh water and sea creatures; so much so that I wanted to venture around the entire building. I got even more excited when I saw the warning of puffer-fish being sold, "NO WAY!" (Excitement***); then to see small pufferfissh kept as pets in fish bowls around the market...dude, interesting to say the least.

But on the second floor in the very back corner tucked away behind the monstrous "gold fish" and "coy" is a "bizzare animal" shop...I wish I knew what to do....
I was taken back when a saw a Massive Snapper in a tank on the ground, closing the bottom of my shorts by holding them against my leg may have seemed over cautious but you should have seen the size of this bugger! Realistically on a warm day, I'm sure he could have reached the worm :P (just kidding), but still, I have seen what those buggers can do, and it was thrilling to see this guy, that is for certain. I then notice...Tortoise?! Three different types, all incredibly beautiful and fairly well cared for...Iguanas, a breaded dragon...this is turning out to be an AMAZING FIND! I am digging this until the giant tank in the middle of the room captures my attention along with splashing and flippers, SHARK!? SQUID!? WTF!? The tank was on the ground, semi covered by other tanks, not a pretty sight and not a lot of "room" for this unfortunate creature.

I was so excited to see what it was, I don't think I have seen many sea turtles this close and personal when I realize...I have not seen, a sea turtle...this close...and personal...Now folks, there are some situations that automatically break you in some way, where you jsut feel something is not right...and even for me, most people would say, that is pretty bad if "this guy" thinks its bad, I have seen some things in my life and been to places, but sometimes pain can manifest inevitably in a creature that some may say are expressionless. This is what I think and feel. I think I felt the pain this creature felt by the mere glance at its face.

Course, maybe I'm wrong, maybe the turtle pushing itself against the tank was simply saying, "damn boy, you look tasty and I'm starving..." or the look in his face could have been "damn boy! Your lady lets you outta the house looking like that, Ick!"...but really I think it was..."free me...please...this bloody tank is too small and I'm a freaking SEA TURTLE!" I asked Li to inquire a bit and find out whats up....the damn thing is for sale!? 30,000 RMB....there is the price folks, the price of greed...and a beautiful life...30,000 RMB....f*** day ever just turned into FML....I still find Dandong super interesting and still love that I can get rainbow trout (YA! AWESOME RIGHT!?) at the market...but knowing that upstairs this is I know, context, context, context...but how much context should matter for something like this? They certainly are nursing this creature back to health!?
Rumour has it, this creature has a good meaning behind its life; supposedly the fact that they live a long time, makes them an extremely incredible gift for an elderly individual because of well...their long life? Ugh...anyways, it has been known that it is used in bribing of "officers"...

Sorry for this super long post, that basically repeats itself but one more for sake of making sure you understand...If you see stuff like this, educate yourself and maybe...maybe report it? Just a thought....a thought I will be acting on for sure. Hopefully you never need to see something like this or feel this way,

See what the off chance no one can do anything...anyone got 30,000 RMB to help me save a sea turtle? :P kinda kidding....


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