Sea Turtles in China...
UPDATE: 2021/12/09 Its been awhile since I have seen a wild sea turtle, even longer while since the one in Dandong that kinda sparked this post. To be fair-I haven't seen the captured and prepped for sale sea turtle market, nor have I heard about it-recently I was in Huizhou and we discussed the Huidong Sea Turtle Base. It was said that a lot of people would turn sea turtles into soup..that musta be a bloody feast, cause sea turtles ain't small and I can't imagine a lot of folk interested in a tiny one. Then again-who knows. My wife, son and I were considering going there to see the research base and learn a bit about sea turtles-also hoping to see some up close...maybe on the beachor whatever. Although the base is interesting and actually has a sea turtle there at the base that they keep, my son is only 3 years old. Its more of a trip for someone who is actually planning on spending some time there learning about the turtles/is specifically in GD province for that particul...