Those nights.

We all make mistakes; we all have desires. We are only but human; we need to learn, this is what is important to remember. We are supposed to learn from our mistakes. SUPPOSED to.

I have partied in the past, I have done the run around- dance drink and do it all again. You know, the odd time I have also experienced horrendously sickening drinks :p But you know...sometimes these things still happen and I need cash in on the you owe me one with friends which never feels good emotionally or physically -_-

Last night was the first time in quite sometime that I actually went out and did some "out of the blue" activity with a few good friends and just let it out. Literally...

In Dalian, there are not opportunities to go have a wild night or go to certain places on a regular basis. The opportunity was there so, we seized it! I don't, regret much but that bus ride back home...God help me if I have to ever take a bus ride home that intoxicated again...

There was a social event; a DJ show...for lack of a better term. We had no idea what to expect, one individual decided it was better to low ball it and have little hope that it will be anything like VELD or Tomorrowland. I tend to be more optimistic; but after a three hour and two separately overpriced cab ride journey from Jinshitan to Lushun or whevever we were...I was tired and struggling more than anything. We managed to fit five people into this posse that turned out amazingly :)

We crushed some ice cold sodas before hand; I had la mian for dinner; we were ready to begin this adventure. Indeed and adventure it became when we got to Dalian and needed to change from Qing guay to cab who wouldn't move much from 250 Kuai. He got us part way; well made to Lushun at least...with Wu ge ren as well...this is the next problem, five people In a cab; it doesn't work well here. So, what's you do when you are literally to far to walk back or forward and it's an all or none group? Bull rush; shake and bake baby; basically don't give the cab driver a chance to say no. Give him directions that confuse him, jump in and head out after a quick clarification on directions or address. We made it around the corner when we ran into the next snag. The driver didn't know where we were going...great...dink...took us even though he had no where to go and then tries messing with us; I can already tell this is going to be an expensive night. After charades; pee breaks and nonsensical negotiations, we get a move on and make it at about 9pm. This place was out there...boonies, hilltop villa style area with concert lights beaming down through the surround area and dry ice choking out the local hang arounds.

We knew a couple people there, we had laughs and I specifically had a few to many...sodas...things were overpriced, they also only seemed to have a single toilet open concept which sucked. Apparently there was a bus with some friends that left earlier in the day; we couldn't make that so meh; but the bus home was supposed to be at 2am...the party died at 12am...what do you do? Party ends, have a couple sodas with the event planner. In retrospect, it was a gong show but he had the right idea, music wasn't bad; good at some points.

We hope on a the time I knew but was not conscious of what I knew, and that was the fact that my dear best buddy and others planned on another ice cold soda establishment in Dalian. I couldn't express the excitement I had because of the fact that I had finally had an awesome night out with friends which I have not done in a firkin long time. But at the same time part of me knew it was bedtime. 

The bus ride...bleh...ugh that was a never again thing. That road was way to winding to be going that fast; i just shut my eyes for a moment and just as fast they shut...they opened and I don't know why, but I tried holding the vomit in my mouth until I could find. Garbage to spit it out in. Funny thing about that; when I vomit, it's much more than a mouth full and I can't even conceal it in my hands. I run to the back of the bus and find an empty seat to blow chunks into. Success but then after sitting again...ugh I'm going to kill this bus driver. We get off the bus and I feel better except hope...still more and still dizzy. The tree is holding me up and my buddy was patting my back; when his girlfriend started up in the bush next to me I vomited more as his voice pitched into that tone where you are like "ohhh mannnn!!! :( " you know, that super disappointing tone when the end of the night is here but regardless of how many people tell you nothing good happens after 3am. Sorry brother, normally I am pretty good but dang, last night I was not prepared for the ride to Dalian...

We arrive to Dalian and that well...literally was silly of me to do and tag along because there was no way after that bus ride that I was going to be able to have another drink let alone carry myself anywhere. 

As intoxicated as I was; awareness is something I do not lack. The biggest fear I had was that I had my stuff in a bag on my back and no pockets on my pants, meaning if something happens I not only lose my wallet, but cellphone as well. I couldn't tell you the name of the place we were at but I know it was four floors high and super packed...maybe another time but I was freaking out with how many people and vomit there was...on me...didn't smell because it was all straight up alcohol, but that's life I guess. Take it all in and sometimes it's a bit more than you can handle. After losing the group, I was getting dizzy again because of how many people there were bumping into me. I ran outside for fresh air...four flights of stairs later...severely intoxicated, I make it with the bouncers looking me like, you just got here. I have no words, I wave an smile. I feel like I am making the silliest face, screw it; at the time I figured the vomit on my shirt and hands stunk making that the most noticeable and least appealing thing about me to anyone. Turns out people don't mind the vomit smell of you pay an obscenely stupid amount of money to have them drive you home though. 200 Kuai was all I really wanted to pay and I knew it was going to be more. I also knew when I was approached by a cab that they were going to give us a hard time about 5 people.  I was thinking of my friends and thinking of the girlfriend who had been texting me...I couldn't even formulate a text let alone turn on my phone. I was about to KO. Sometimes you need to make that decision because well, at the end of the day, you know what you need and where you gotta be. That is that, did I feel like making a scene in Chinese bar that I seriously don't remember the layout of? Yes, but not a negative one :p 

I love you folks who spent a great social evening with me. Won't be the last time I do something like that again but it will be awhile until I get that out of control again. 

All the best thanks for getting in touch and being concerned I'll need you tell me the name of that bar by the way, seemed interesting!

I made it home safe in the end, my girlfriend was confused I was just stumbling out of a cab at 3:43am which was funny because I was confused how the sun was coming up...I love China.



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